Dec./2024 |
Selected as one of the Top 100 Excellent National R&D Outcomes for the achievement in developing and demonstrating 6G technologies Link
Nov./2024 |
Awarded Scilit's Top Cited Researcher 2024 (ranked among 5,377 out of 77 million researchers worldwide) Link
Sep./2024 |
Named Yonsei Lee Youn Jae Fellow / Endowed Chair Professor
July/2024 |
Launched the 6G·Cloud R&E Open Hub / Joined the AI-RAN Alliance
July/2024 |
Appointed IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (VTS)
May/2024 |
Won the Ministry of Education Award for contributions to academic advancement
Jan./2024 |
Appointed to the IEEE ComSoc Fellow Evaluation Standing Committee for the term 2024-2026
Dec./2023 |
Won the KICS Haedong Scholar Grand Award
July/2023 |
"Entanglement" Exhibition at Ulsan Art Museum Link, Video
April/2023 |
Won the Outstanding Teaching Award, Yonsei University
Feb./2023 |
Gold Prize, Silver Prize in the 29th Humantech Paper Contest (given to my student D. Jeon (Gold), S.-H. Park (Gold), Y. Kim (Silver), Y.-T. Kim (Silver), respectively)
Jan./2023 |
Won the CES Innovation Award (Las Vegas, US)
Jan./2023 |
Keynote Speech at IEEE CCNC (Las Vegas, US)
Sep./2022 |
Launched '6G Open Hub' (research center) with NI ($5MM donation to Yonsei)
May/2022 |
Magnetic MIMO for Alzheimer's Treatment (Won the IEEE ICC Best Demo Award)
Jan./2022 |
Appointed IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (ComSoc) - 2nd term
May/2021 |
Won the Yonsei Best Educator Award, the Outstanding Achievement Award in Education (awarded to the top 0.5% faculty members, the best award), Yonsei University
March/2021 |
Won the IEEE Access Best Multimedia Award
Feb./2021 |
Dept. Award, Gold Prize, Bronze Prize in the 27th Humantech Paper Contest (given to my student H.-B. Jeon, J.-W. Kwak, respectively)
Jan./2021 |
Elected to the National Academy of Engineering of Korea
Nov./2020 |
Elevated to IEEE Fellow for contributions to MIMO design and prototype for emerging communication systems
Sep./2020 |
Promoted to Full Professor
July/2020 |
Keynote Speech at BICT (Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies) Workshop, Shanghai, China
May/2020 |
In-Vessel Molecular MIMO Communications Demo (Won the IEEE WCNC Best Demo Award)
May/2020 |
Keynote Speech at IEEE WCNC Workshop on Full Duplex, Seoul, Korea
April/2020 |
Won the Outstanding Teaching Award, Yonsei University
March/2020 |
Won the Outstanding Achievement Award in Research (Hi-Ci, Highly Cited Researcher), Yonsei University
Feb./2020 |
Won the Outstanding Achievement Award in Education (awarded to the top 0.5% faculty members), Yonsei University
Feb./2020 |
Special Advisor Award, Silver Prize, Bronze Prize in the 26th Humantech Paper Contest (given to my students G.-Y. Suk and C. Lee, respectively)
Jan./2020 |
Appointed IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (ComSoc)
Jan./2020 |
Appointed Senior Editor of the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
Nov./2019 |
Guest Editor of the IEEE Wireless Communications, Special Issue on Full Duplex Communication Theory, Standardization, and Practice
Nov./2019 |
Co-TPC Chair, IEEE WCNC Workshop on Aerial Communications, Seoul, Korea
Nov./2019 |
Co-Chair, IEEE WCNC Workshop on Full Duplex, Seoul, Korea
May/2019 |
Keynote Speech at IEEE ICC Workshop on Full Duplex, Shanghai, China
May/2019 |
Data Bakeoff, Molecular MIMO Competition at IEEE Comm. Theory Workshop (CTW), Selfoss, Iceland
May/2019 |
Invited talk at IEEE Comm. Theory Workshop (CTW), Selfoss, Iceland
May/2019 |
Won the Outstanding Achievement Award in Research (Hi-Ci, Highly Cited Researcher), Yonsei University
April/2019 |
Won the Outstanding Teaching Award, Yonsei University
March/2019 |
Won the Young Engineer Award, The National Academy of Engineering of Korea
Feb./2019 |
Bronze Prize, Honor Prize in the 25th Humantech Paper Contest (given to my students Y.-G. Lim/S. Kim and B. Koo, respectively)
Jan./2019 |
Won the Outstanding Achievement Award in Education (awarded to the top 0.5% faculty members), Yonsei University
May/2018 |
OP-Map based Flexible Duplex System Demo at IEEE DySPAN 2018, (Won the IEEE DySPAN Best Demo Paper Award)
Oct/2018 |
Appointed as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-scale Communications
May/2018 |
Won the Best Paper Award of the IEEE/KICS Journal of Communications and Networks, Award Ceremony at IEEE ICC, Kansas City in USA
March/2018 |
Won the Outstanding Achievement Award in Research (Hi-Ci, Highly Cited Researcher), Yonsei University
Feb./2018 |
Silver Prize, Honor Prize in the 24th Humantech Paper Contest (given to my students M. S. Sim and G.-Y. Suk, respectively)
Jan./2018 |
Guest Editor of the IEEE Access Special Section on Molecular Communication Networks
Jan./2018 |
Won the Promotional Prize of 2017 IEEE Access Best Multimedia Contest & Selected as Featured Article
Dec./2017 |
The Award of Excellence in Leadership of 100 Leading Core Technologies for Korea 2025 from the National Academy of Engineering of Korea
April/2017 |
Won the Outstanding Teaching Award, Yonsei University
Feb./2017 |
Sabbatical Year, Visiting Associate Professor at Stanford University (work with Prof. Andrea Goldsmith)
Feb./2017 |
Silver Prize in the 23rd Humantech Paper Contest (given to my students M. S. Sim, joint work with S. Kim @ SNU)
Dec./2016 |
Appointed as the Yonsei Underwood Distinguished Professor
Oct./2016 |
Named the Editorial Board of the IEEE Communications Magazine
July/2016 |
Molecular MIMO results featured in IEEE Spectrum
July/2016 |
Named the Editorial Board of the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
June/2016 |
Won the Yonam Research Award from LG Yonam Foundation
Feb./2016 |
Silver Prize in the 22nd Humantech Paper Contest (given to my students M. Sim, M. Chung)
Dec./2015 |
Won the Best Young Professor Award from the College of Engineering, Yonsei University
Sep./2015 |
Promoted to Associate Professor
April/2015 |
Molecular MIMO Communication Link Demo at IEEE INFOCOM 2015 (Won the IEEE INFOCOM Best Demo Award)
Jan./2015 |
Founding-Editor of the IEEE Trans. on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-scale Comm. (T-MBMC).
Dec./2014 |
Real-Time Full Duplex LTE System Demo at IEEE Globecom
July/2014 |
Joined RF/Communications Lead User Program (the first in Asia)
June/2014 |
Won the IEIE/IEEE Joint Award for Young IT Engineer of the Year (Recognizing the Best in IT Engineering)
March/2014 |
Guest Editor of the IEEE Jour. on Sel. Areas in Comm. (JSAC), Special Issue on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Comm
March/2014 |
IEEE ComSoc Technology News Special Issue on Molecular Communication
Feb./2014 |
Awarded the Bronze Prize in the 20th Humantech Paper Contest (given to my student Na-Rae Kim)
Dec./2013 |
Won the KICS Haedong Young Scholar Award
Feb./2013 |
Awarded the Gold Prize in the 19th Humantech Paper Contest (given to my student Na-Rae Kim)
Jan/2013 |
Won the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award (co-authored with D. Gesbert, M. Kountouris, R. W. Heath, Jr.)
YTN News
Dec./2012 |
Named the Editorial Board of the IEEE/KICS Jour. of Comm. Networks
Oct./2012 |
Won the IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award
YTN News
March/2012 |
Elevated to IEEE Senior Member
Feb./2012 |
Named the Area Editorial Board of the IEEE Jour. on Sel. Areas in Comm. (JSAC) (Area: Nanoscale and Molecular Networking)
Jan./2012 |
Named the Editorial Board of the IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications (Area: Cross-layer Design and Optimization)
March/2011 |
Joined Yonsei University as an Assistant Professor
June/2010 |
Named the Editorial Board of the IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid
June/2009 |
Joined Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent as a Member of Technical Staff (Research Scientist)
Bell Labs Song
May/2009 |
Invited talk at the IEEE Comm. Theory Workshop (CTW)
Dec./2008 |
Joined Harvard University as a Post-Doctoral Fellow/Lecturer (Prof. Vahid Tarokh)
Sep./2008 |
Won the IEEE-VTS Dan. E. Noble Fellowship Award
("... the most prestigious award a graduate student in wireless communications can receive")
Feb./2008 |
Awarded the Gold Prize in the 14th Humantech Paper Contest