Haedong Scholar Grand Award, KICS, Dec. 2023, 한국통신학회 해동학술대상
CES Innovation Award, Jan. 2023
IEEE ICC Best Demo Award, May 2022
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (ComSoc), Jan. 2022
Recognition of Service Award from KICS, Nov. 2021, 한국통신학회 학회공로상
IEEE Access Best Multimedia Award, March 2021
Elected to the National Academy of Engineering of Korea (one of the highest professional honors accorded an engineer), Jan. 2021, 한국공학한림원 일반회원선출
IEEE Fellow for contributions to MIMO design and prototype for emerging communication systems, Nov. 2020 ('S06-'M09-'SM12-'F21, IEEE)
IEEE WCNC Best Demo Award, May 2020
Special Advisor Award, Humantech Paper Contest, Feb. 2020
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (ComSoc), Jan. 2020
Young Engineer Award, The National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK), March 2019, 한국공학한림원 젊은공학인상
IEEE DySPAN Best Demo Paper Award, Oct. 2018
IEEE/KICS Journal of Communications and Networks, Best Paper Award, May 2018 (Award Ceremony at IEEE ICC, Kansas City), May 2018
Promotional Prize, IEEE Access Best Multimedia Contest, Jan. 2018
The Award of Excellence in Leadership of 100 Leading Core Technologies for Korea 2025 from the National Academy of Engineering of Korea, Dec. 2017, 2025년, 대한민국을 이끌 100대 기술과 주역
Yonam Overseas Research Award, LG Yonam Foundation, June 2016, LG, 연암재단 해외연수 교수상
Outstanding Professor Award, IITP (a Korean government institution that manages ICT R&D), May 2016
IEEE INFOCOM Best Demo Award, April 2015
IEIE/IEEE Joint Award for Young IT Engineer of the Year (Recognizing the Best in IT Engineering), June 2014
Haedong Young Scholar Award, KICS, Dec. 2013, 한국통신학회 해동신진학술상
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award, co-authored with D. Gesbert, M. Kountouris, R. W. Heath, Jr., Jan. 2013
YTN News
A Delegate from Korea for the 2nd China-Japan-Korea Researchers Workshop (5 members in IT), April 2012
Marquis Who’s Who in America (2009~), in Science and Engineering (2010~)
Bell Labs NightOut Award, Dec. 2009, 2010
IEEE Dan. E. Noble Fellowship Award, Sep. 2008 ('the most prestigious award a graduate student in wireless communications can receive')
Humantech Paper Contest, Gold Medal (1st), Feb. 2008, Bronze Medal (the youngest ever), Feb. 1997
KUSCO-KSEA Scholarship, Aug. 2007
IEEE ComSoc Student Travel Grant, 2006
National Scholars Honor Society, 2006
Korea Government Fellowship for Ph.D. Studies, 2005
Distinguished Research Engineer, Samsung Electronics, 2004
Patent Prize, Samsung Electronics, 2003
Graduation with Highest Honors (ranked 1st), KAIST, 2001
Yonsei Awards
Yonsei Lee Youn Jae Fellow, Yonsei University, May 2024, 연세대학교 이윤재펠로우상
Outstanding Teaching Award, Yonsei University, March 2023, 연세대학교 우수강의상
Best Educator Award, Outstanding Achievement Award in Education (given to top 0.5% faculty members, 3 times), Yonsei University, April 2021, 연세대 최우수 교육자상/우수업적교수상(교육부문, 최우수), 재직 기간 중 우수업적 교육부문 누적 3회 수상 교원에 수여, 교육 명예의 전당
Outstanding Teaching Award, Yonsei University, March 2021, 연세대학교 우수강의상
Outstanding Teaching Award, Yonsei University, April 2020, 연세대학교 우수강의상
Outstanding Achievement Award in Research (Hi-Ci, Highly Cited Researcher), Yonsei University, March 2020, 연세대 우수업적교수상(연구부문, Hi-Ci)
Outstanding Achievement Award in Education (given to top 0.5% faculty members), Yonsei University, Feb. 2020, 연세대 우수업적교수상(교육부문)
Outstanding Achievement Award in Research (Hi-Ci, Highly Cited Researcher), Yonsei University, May 2019, 연세대 우수업적교수상(연구부문, Hi-Ci)
Outstanding Teaching Award, Yonsei University, April 2019, 연세대학교 우수강의상
Outstanding Achievement Award in Education (given to top 0.5% faculty members), Yonsei University, Jan. 2019, 연세대 우수업적교수상(교육부문)
Outstanding Achievement Award in Research (Hi-Ci, Highly Cited Researcher), Yonsei University, March 2018, 연세대 우수업적교수상(연구부문, Hi-Ci)
Outstanding Teaching Award, Yonsei University, April 2017, 연세대학교 우수강의상
Underwood Distinguished Professor, Yonsei University, Dec. 2016, 연세대 언더우드특훈교수상
Best Young Professor Award, College of Engineering, Yonsei University, Dec. 2015, 연세대 젊은공학교수상
Students Awards
Humantech Paper Contest, Bronze Medal (given to my students H.-J. Moon and S. Min), Feb. 2024
Humantech Paper Contest, Bronze Medal (given to my students S.-H. Park, H.-J. Moon, S.-Y. Yang, Y. Kim), Feb. 2024
Humantech Paper Contest, Honor Medal (given to my student S.-H. Park, Y. Kim, S.-Y. Yang), Feb. 2024
JCCI Oustanding Paper Award (given to my student H.-W. Hyun), April 2023
KICS Fall Conference Best Paper Award (given to my student D.-S. Jun, Feb. 2023
Humantech Paper Contest, Gold Medal (1st, given to my student D. Jeon, S.-H. Park), Feb. 2023
Humantech Paper Contest, Silver Medal (given to my students Y. Kim, Y.-T. Kim), Feb. 2023
IITP Best Paper Award, KICS Fall Conference, Feb. 2023
IEEE ComSoc Student Travel Grant (Globecom, givent to my student H. Jeon), Oct. 2021
Humantech Paper Contest, Gold Medal (1st, given to my student H.-B. Jeon, H.-J. Moon, S. Kim), Feb. 2021
Humantech Paper Contest, Bronze Medal (given to my students J.-W. Kwak, M. S. Sim), Feb. 2021
Grand Prize, IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest (given to my student B. Koo), Dec. 2020
Bronze Prize, IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest (given to my student H. Jeon), Dec. 2020
Outstanding Paper Award, KICS Conference (given to my student H. Jeon), Nov. 2020
Outstanding Paper Award, KICS Conference (given to my student Y. Kim, M. S. Sim), Aug. 2020
Humantech Paper Contest, Silver Medal (given to my students G. Suk, J.-W. Kwak, S. Kim), Feb. 2020
Humantech Paper Contest, Bronze Medal (given to my students C. Lee, B. Koo), Feb. 2020
IEEE Wireless Communications Letter Exemplary Reviewer Award (given to my student B. Koo), Dec. 2019
IEEE ComSoc Student Service Grant (CTW, given to my student C. Lee), May 2019
Humantech Paper Contest, Bronze Medal (given to my students Y.-G. Lim, S. Kim), Feb. 2019
Humantech Paper Contest, Honor Medal (given to my student B. Koo), Feb. 2019
KICS Undergrad Student Paper Contest, 2nd Award (given to my student H. Bae), Nov. 2018
KICS Undergrad Student Paper Contest, 2nd Award (given to my student Y. Kim), June 2018
KICS Undergrad Student Paper Contest, Honor Award (given to my student H. Bae), June 2018
Qaulcomm IT Tour (my student D. Jun and H.-B. Jeon selected), July 2018
Best Creative Student Award, Ministry of Science and ICT (given to my student M. S. Sim), May 2018
IEEE ComSoc Student Travel Grant (WCNC, given to my student G. Y. Suk), Feb. 2018
Humantech Paper Contest, Silver Medal (given to my students M. S. Sim, S. Kim), Feb. 2018
Humantech Paper Contest, Honor Medal (given to my students G.-Y. Suk, Y.-J. Cho, Y.-G. Lim), Feb. 2018
KICS Undergrad Student Paper Contest, 1st Award (given to my student D.-S. Jun), Nov. 2017
Korea Government Fellowship for Overseas Post-Doc. (given to my student M. Chung), Sep. 2017 ($30,000)
Qaulcomm IT Tour (my student G.-Y. Suk selected), July 2017
Humantech Paper Contest, Silver Medal (given to my student M. S. Sim), Feb. 2017
Next Generation Engineering Leader Award by the National Academy of Engineering of Korea (given to my student B. Koo), Dec. 2016
IEEE ComSoc Student Travel Grant (Globecom, given to my student M. S. Sim), Dec. 2016
Named One of ‘10 Women in Networking/Communications That You Should Watch’ (N.-R. Kim) by N2Women, IEEE ComSoc/ComputerSoc, ACM SIGCOMM/SIGMOBILE, Aug. 2016
WISET/KICS Outstanding Woman Scientist Award (given to my student Y.-J. Cho), June 2016
Korea Government Fellowship for Overseas Post-Doc. (given to my student N.-R. Kim), June 2016 ($30,000)
Outstanding Student Award, IITP (given to my student N.-R. Kim), May 2016
Outstanding Paper Award, Yonsei University (given to my student B. Koo), May 2016
Humantech Paper Contest, Silver Medal (given to my student M. S. Sim, M. Chung), Feb. 2016
Qaulcomm IT Tour (my student Y.-J. Cho selected), July 2015
IEEE ComSoc Student Travel Grant (ICC, given to my student N.-R. Kim), June 2015
KICS Undergrad Student Paper Contest, 2nd Award (given to my student C. Lee), Nov. 2014
WISET/IEIE Young Woman Scholar Award (given to my student S. Kim), Oct. 2014
IEEE ComSoc Student Travel Grant (ICC, given to my student N.-R. Kim), June 2014
Humantech Paper Contest, Bronze Medal (given to my student N.-R. Kim), Feb. 2014
KICS Undergrad Student Paper Contest, Honor Award (given to my student B. Koo), Nov. 2013
Humantech Paper Contest, Gold Medal (1st, given to my student N.-R. Kim), Feb. 2013
IEEE ComSoc Student Travel Grant (ICC, given to my student N.-R. Kim), June 2012