Chan-Byoung Chae @ Yonsei University
C.-B. Chae
Ph.D., IEEE Fellow, NAEK Member
Underwood Distinguished Professor / Yonsei Lee Youn Jae Fellow (Endowed Chair Professor)
Director, Intelligence Networking Lab.
School of Integrated Technology
College of Computing
Yonsei University, Korea
Elected Member of National Academy of Engineering of Korea
Past Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Trans. MBMC
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (ComSoc, VTSoc)
Office: +82-32-749-5847, Fax: +82-32-818-5801

Samsung SNIC Lab. / LG Electronics Target Lab. / LGU+ Target Lab. / BK21+ Lab.
I am now recruiting a couple of highly self-motivated graduate students and post-doctoral research fellows on i) next generation (6G/B6G) communication networks, ii) molecular communication networks, iii) applied machine learning, and iv) applied mathematics. If you are interested, please contact me for more information. Additionally, feel free to reach out to my current students to get insights into our research process and team culture.
Nov./2024 Selected as one of the Top 100 Excellent National R&D Outcomes for the achievement in developing and demonstrating 6G technologies
Sep./2024 Named Yonsei Lee Youn Jae Fellow / Endowed Chair Professor
July/2024 Launched the 6G·Cloud R&E Open Hub / Joined the AI-RAN Alliance
July/2024 Appointed IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (VTS) Link
May/2024 Won the Ministry of Education Award for contributions to academic advancement
Jan./2024 Appointed to the IEEE ComSoc Fellow Evaluation Standing Committee for the term 2024-2026 Link
Dec./2023 Won the KICS Haedong Scholar Grand Award Press
July/2023 "Entanglement" Exhibition at Ulsan Art Museum Link, Video
April/2023 Won the Outstanding Teaching Award, Yonsei University
Feb./2023 Gold Prize, Silver Prize in the 29th Humantech Paper Contest (given to my student D. Jeon (Gold), S.-H. Park (Gold), Y. Kim (Silver), Y.-T. Kim (Silver), respectively)
Jan./2023 Won the CES Innovation Award (Las Vegas, US) Link Link
Jan./2023 Keynote Speech at IEEE CCNC (Las Vegas, US) Link
Sep./2022 Launched '6G Open Hub' (research center) with NI ($5MM donation to Yonsei) Link
May/2022 Magnetic MIMO for Alzheimer's Treatment (Won the IEEE ICC Best Demo Award) Link
Jan./2022 Appointed IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (ComSoc) - 2nd term Link
May/2021 Won the Yonsei Best Educator Award, the Outstanding Achievement Award in Education (awarded to the top 0.5% faculty members, the best award), Yonsei University
March/2021 Won the IEEE Access Best Multimedia Award
Feb./2021 Dept. Award, Gold Prize, Bronze Prize in the 27th Humantech Paper Contest (given to my student H.-B. Jeon, J.-W. Kwak, respectively)
Jan./2021 Elected to the National Academy of Engineering of Korea
Nov./2020 Elevated to IEEE Fellow for contributions to MIMO design and prototype for emerging communication systems
Sep./2020 Promoted to Full Professor
July/2020 Keynote Speech at BICT (Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies) Workshop, Shanghai, China Program
May/2020 In-Vessel Molecular MIMO Communications Demo (Won the IEEE WCNC Best Demo Award) Program
May/2020 Keynote Speech at IEEE WCNC Workshop on Full Duplex, Seoul, Korea Program
April/2020 Won the Outstanding Teaching Award, Yonsei University
March/2020 Won the Outstanding Achievement Award in Research (Hi-Ci, Highly Cited Researcher), Yonsei University
Feb./2020 Won the Outstanding Achievement Award in Education (awarded to the top 0.5% faculty members), Yonsei University
Feb./2020 Special Advisor Award, Silver Prize, Bronze Prize in the 26th Humantech Paper Contest (given to my students G.-Y. Suk and C. Lee, respectively)
Jan./2020 Appointed IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (ComSoc) Link
Jan./2020 Appointed Senior Editor of the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters Link
Nov./2019 Guest Editor of the IEEE Wireless Communications, Special Issue on Full Duplex Communication Theory, Standardization, and Practice CFP
Nov./2019 Co-TPC Chair, IEEE WCNC Workshop on Aerial Communications, Seoul, Korea Program
Nov./2019 Co-Chair, IEEE WCNC Workshop on Full Duplex, Seoul, Korea Program
May/2019 Keynote Speech at IEEE ICC Workshop on Full Duplex, Shanghai, China Program
May/2019 Data Bakeoff, Molecular MIMO Competition at IEEE Comm. Theory Workshop (CTW), Selfoss, Iceland Flyer
May/2019 Invited talk at IEEE Comm. Theory Workshop (CTW), Selfoss, Iceland Program
May/2019 Won the Outstanding Achievement Award in Research (Hi-Ci, Highly Cited Researcher), Yonsei University
April/2019 Won the Outstanding Teaching Award, Yonsei University
March/2019 Won the Young Engineer Award, The National Academy of Engineering of Korea Press
Feb./2019 Bronze Prize, Honor Prize in the 25th Humantech Paper Contest (given to my students Y.-G. Lim/S. Kim and B. Koo, respectively)
Jan./2019 Won the Outstanding Achievement Award in Education (awarded to the top 0.5% faculty members), Yonsei University
May/2018 OP-Map based Flexible Duplex System Demo at IEEE DySPAN 2018, (Won the IEEE DySPAN Best Demo Paper Award)
Oct/2018 Appointed as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-scale Communications
May/2018 Won the Best Paper Award of the IEEE/KICS Journal of Communications and Networks, Award Ceremony at IEEE ICC, Kansas City in USA
March/2018 Won the Outstanding Achievement Award in Research (Hi-Ci, Highly Cited Researcher), Yonsei University
Feb./2018 Silver Prize, Honor Prize in the 24th Humantech Paper Contest (given to my students M. S. Sim and G.-Y. Suk, respectively)
Jan./2018 Guest Editor of the IEEE Access Special Section on Molecular Communication Networks CFP
Jan./2018 Won the Promotional Prize of 2017 IEEE Access Best Multimedia Contest & Selected as Featured Article Link
Dec./2017 The Award of Excellence in Leadership of 100 Leading Core Technologies for Korea 2025 from the National Academy of Engineering of Korea
April/2017 Won the Outstanding Teaching Award, Yonsei University
Feb./2017 Sabbatical Year, Visiting Associate Professor at Stanford University (work with Prof. Andrea Goldsmith)
Feb./2017 Silver Prize in the 23rd Humantech Paper Contest (given to my students M. S. Sim, joint work with S. Kim @ SNU)
Dec./2016 Appointed as the Yonsei Underwood Distinguished Professor News
Oct./2016 Named the Editorial Board of the IEEE Communications Magazine
July/2016 Molecular MIMO results featured in IEEE Spectrum Link
July/2016 Named the Editorial Board of the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
June/2016 Won the Yonam Research Award from LG Yonam Foundation
Feb./2016 Silver Prize in the 22nd Humantech Paper Contest (given to my students M. Sim, M. Chung)
Dec./2015 Won the Best Young Professor Award from the College of Engineering, Yonsei University
Sep./2015 Promoted to Associate Professor
April/2015 Molecular MIMO Communication Link Demo at IEEE INFOCOM 2015 (Won the IEEE INFOCOM Best Demo Award) Video
Jan./2015 Founding-Editor of the IEEE Trans. on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-scale Comm. (T-MBMC).
Dec./2014 Real-Time Full Duplex LTE System Demo at IEEE Globecom Video Summary Paper Poster Interview Press
July/2014 Joined RF/Communications Lead User Program (the first in Asia) Link
June/2014 Won the IEIE/IEEE Joint Award for Young IT Engineer of the Year (Recognizing the Best in IT Engineering) Press
March/2014 Guest Editor of the IEEE Jour. on Sel. Areas in Comm. (JSAC), Special Issue on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Comm Link
March/2014 IEEE ComSoc Technology News Special Issue on Molecular Communication Link
Feb./2014 Awarded the Bronze Prize in the 20th Humantech Paper Contest (given to my student Na-Rae Kim)
Dec./2013 Won the KICS Haedong Young Scholar Award Press
Feb./2013 Awarded the Gold Prize in the 19th Humantech Paper Contest (given to my student Na-Rae Kim)
Jan/2013 Won the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award (co-authored with D. Gesbert, M. Kountouris, R. W. Heath, Jr.) YTN News
Dec./2012 Named the Editorial Board of the IEEE/KICS Jour. of Comm. Networks List
Oct./2012 Won the IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award Press YTN News
March/2012 Elevated to IEEE Senior Member
Feb./2012 Named the Area Editorial Board of the IEEE Jour. on Sel. Areas in Comm. (JSAC) (Area: Nanoscale and Molecular Networking) List
Jan./2012 Named the Editorial Board of the IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications (Area: Cross-layer Design and Optimization) List
March/2011 Joined Yonsei University as an Assistant Professor
June/2010 Named the Editorial Board of the IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid List
June/2009 Joined Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent as a Member of Technical Staff (Research Scientist) Bell Labs Song
May/2009 Invited talk at the IEEE Comm. Theory Workshop (CTW) Program
Dec./2008 Joined Harvard University as a Post-Doctoral Fellow/Lecturer (Prof. Vahid Tarokh)
Sep./2008 Won the IEEE-VTS Dan. E. Noble Fellowship Award JPG
("... the most prestigious award a graduate student in wireless communications can receive")
Feb./2008 Awarded the Gold Prize in the 14th Humantech Paper Contest JPG

Chan-Byoung Chae is an Underwood Distinguished Professor and Yonsei Lee Youn Jae Fellow in the School of Integrated Technology, College of Computing, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. He currently serves as a Visiting Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of California, San Diego. Previously, in 2017, he was a Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, CA, USA. He worked as a Member of Technical Staff (Research Scientist) at Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent, Murray Hill, NJ, USA, from June 2009 to Feb 2011. Before joining Bell Laboratories, he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow/Lecturer in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, under the supervision of Vahid Tarokh. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from The University of Texas (UT) at Austin, TX, USA in 2008 under the supervision of Robert W. Heath, Jr., where he was a member of the Wireless Networking and Communications Group (WNCG). Prior to joining UT, he was a Research Engineer at the Advanced Research Lab., the Telecommunications R&D Center, Samsung Electronics, Suwon, Korea, from 2001 to 2005. He was a Visiting Scholar at the WING Lab, Aalborg University, Denmark in 2004 and at University of Minnesota, MN, USA in August 2007 to work with Nihar Jindal. While at Samsung, he participated in the IEEE 802.16 and 3GPP standardization, where he made several contributions and filed numerous related patents. His current research interests include wireless mobile networks and nano (molecular) communications.

He served as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Trans. on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-scale Communications from 2019 to 2022. He has served/serves as an Editor for the IEEE Communications Magazine (2016-present), the IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications (2012-2017), the IEEE Trans. on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-scale Comm. (2015-present), the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (2016-present), the IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid (2010-2011), the IEEE ComSoc Technology News (2014), and the IEEE/KICS Jour. of Comm. Networks (2012-present). He has been a Guest Editor for the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (special issue on molecular, biological, and multi-scale communications) 2014-2015 and the IEEE Access (special section on molecular communication networks). He is an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (ComSoc) and an IEEE Fellow.

Dr. Chae was the recipient/co-recipient of the Ministry of Education Award in 2024, the CES Innovation Awards in 2023, the Haedong Scholar Award in 2023, the IEEE ICC Best Demo Award in 2022, the IEEE WCNC Best Demo Award in 2020, the Best Young Engineer Award from the National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK) in 2019, the Outstanding Achievement Award in Education from Yonsei University in 2019, the IEEE DySPAN Best Demo Award in 2018, the IEEE/KICS Journal of Communications Networks Best Paper Award in 2018, the Outstanding Achievement Award (Highly Cited Researcher) from Yonsei University in 2018, the Award of Excellence in Leadership of 100 Leading Core Technologies for Korea 2025 from NAEK in 2017, the Underwood Distinguished Professor Award in 2016, the Outstanding Teaching Award in 2017 from Yonsei University, the Yonam Research Award from LG Yonam Foundation in 2016, the Outstanding Professor Award from IITP in 2016, the Best Young Professor Award from the College of Engineering, Yonsei University in 2015, the IEEE INFOCOM Best Demo Award in 2015, the IEIE/IEEE Joint Award for Young IT Engineer of the Year in 2014, the KICS Haedong Young Scholar Award in 2013, the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award in 2013, the IEEE ComSoc AP Outstanding Young Researcher Award in 2012, the IEEE VTS Dan. E. Noble Fellowship Award in 2008, three Gold Prizes (1st) in the 14th/19th Humantech Paper Contests, and the KSEA-KUSCO scholarship in 2007. He also received the Korea Government Fellowship (KOSEF) during his Ph.D. studies.